RITES requires Engg. professionals for Bangalore Metro Rail Projects: Walk-in on 09-10-2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
RITES require dynamic and result oriented professionals for engagement on CONTRACT basis in the various Engg. disciplines at various levels for Bangalore Metro Rail Projects. Candidates have good prospects of growth in the company.
Vacancy No. : 128-137/10
RITES require dynamic and result oriented professionals for engagement on CONTRACT basis in the following disciplines at various levels for Bangalore Metro Rail Projects. Candidates have good prospects of growth in the company.
Opening Date: 07-09-2010
Date of Interview: 09-10-2010 10:00
For detaisl please visit: http://www.rites.com/web/images/stories/uploadVacancy/BMRCL_Aug10.pdf