NXP requires the following IT professionals at Bangalore.

  1. Near Field Commnication (Job Code: NFC): C/C++ in Embedded Systems. Linux Internal, Smart Card/Reader Technologies
  2. Windows Device Driver (Job Code: WDD): Windows Internals, device Drivers, C/C++ Embedded Systems
  3. Smart Card Technologies (Job Code: SCT): C/C++ and Embedded System development. Exp. on Chip debugging , Firmware and middleware, Dev USB Class Drivers
  4. Tools and User Interface (Job Code: TUI): Excellent in C/C++/C#, WAP or Silverlight .Net Framework and multithreading programming.
All candidates should be B.E./B.Tech/M.E. / M. Tech in Electronics / Computer Science with 3 to 8 years of experience.
Send resume to: mynxp.careers@nxp.com

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