MPTRANSCO requires Electrical Engg/Junior Engg./Computer Operator: Last Date 30th Oct 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

M.P. Power Transmission Company Limited (MPTRANSCO - MPPTCL)
Block No. 2, Shakti Bhawan, PO Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482008
MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) which is a wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking invites applications from the desirous candidates to fill up the following vacant positions :
- Executive Trainee Class.II : 131 posts (Electrical-131)
Qualification : Degree in Electrical Engg. OR Electrical & Electronics Engg.
Age : 21-27 years, stipend @ Rs.15,600/- per month, will be posted in the Pay Scale Rs. 15600 - 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/- - Supervisor (Junior Engineer) Trainee Class-III : 220 posts
Qualification : Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Age : 18-27 years, stipend @ Rs. 9860/- per month, will be posted in the Pay Scale Rs. 9300 - 34800 with grade pay Rs. 4100/- - Computer Operator–Cum-Stenographer (Trainee) (Class-III) : 77 posts
Qualification :PGDCA (one year course) with Graduate & Shorthand Exam. Pass from M.P. Board or I.T.I.from M.P.Board in shorthand (Hindi OR English) , Age : 18-27 years, stipend @ Rs. 6510/- per month, will be posted in the Pay Scale Rs. 5200 - 20200 with grade pay Rs. 2500/-
Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 1,000/- payable at Jabalpur drawn in favour of the Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission Co.Ltd., Jabalpur. The SC/ST candidates are exempted.
How to Apply : The application in prescribed format complete in all respect with copies of required certificates and Demand Draft shall be submitted to the following address on or before 30/10/2010 :
Post box No. 7049, Indraprastha, Head Post Office, New Delhi, 110-002